Valda Bailey
'My approach to photography is greatly informed by my background in painting and I use various techniques to blur detail and abstract shapes in the landscape. My work straddles different genres and disciplines as I push away at boundaries in the search for my voice.
I build up layers in my camera and so my workflow is an instinctive, stream of consciousness ramble through shape and colour, light and shade, rhythm and flow and unbridled imagination. Each decision I make is predicated on the result of the last - it is largely a freeform approach - shepherded improvisation perhaps. It is a totally immersive process where the possibilities are seemingly limitless and boundaries need to be found.
Influences come from the worlds of Abstract Expressionism and Surrealism. The relationships between and emotions evoked, by colour and form. Beyond that, I am interested in all manner of contrasts and contradictions and how they play out in the world around us.
I have been fortunate to have been tutored by some highly talented and inspirational professionals, most notably Jay Maisel and the time spent with him and his impressive array of guest speakers in New York continues to influence the way I approach my work.'
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