LBM Dispatch #7: Georgia
First edition of LBM Dispatch #7: Georgia by Alec Soth and Brad Zellar (2014)
First impression
Large format paperback in new condition
No markings
Published by Little Brown Mushroom
Over two sweltering, bug-swarming weeks in July, the LBM Dispatch crew (superbly assisted by Stephen Milner and Brett Schenning) covered 2,400 miles in Georgia, exploring the State’s diverse landscapes, histories, and narratives that were alternately harrowing and inspiring. From the Civil War to the last beleaguered Gullah Geechee community on Sapelo Island, the result is a sort of see-sawing time-lapse portrait of a region that continues to straddle the past and the present, and that seems to exist in a state of conflicted nostalgia and perpetual reconstruction.