How To Make Jam
First edition of How To Make Jam by Vaste Programme (2023)
First impression
Small format hardback in new condition
Published by Witty Books
In the fusion of place and soul, the soul is as much of a container of place as place is a container of soul, and both are susceptible to the same forces of destruction.
If the house is the place of soul and memory, what happens when it crumbles?
Presence and memory, time and decay, reversals of sense and approach are the main pillars of the research that Vaste Programme developed starting from two abandoned mansions. A metaphorical visual and textual reflection on the passing of time that consumes and alters everything, with Come si fa la marmellata the artists invite us, with the lightness and the depth which characterizes their work, to change our approach with reality. Without denying facts, they look for creative and playful solutions to face the passing of time and its consequences.
If time and bushes invade and destroy the houses, at least blackberries can be used to make jam...