Untitled (from the Series 12)
Untitled by Hollie Fernando. This is an original signed and numbered print. Please see pictures. Any questions please get in touch.
Specifications of Untitled (from the Series 12
Mint condition A4 original print (21cm x 29.7cm)
In an edition of 10 signed copies
Signed and numbered on verso by Hollie Fernando
More about this print
The print is a portrait of Fernando's younger brother Max. The photographer produced an exhibition as well as a book titled 12 documenting her brother's final year of pre-adolescence. Hollie Fernando greatly succeeds at capturing both memorable and more mundane moments and the result is a series of intimate portraits that capture the essence and beauty of youth. This print is a great example of the photographer's skilful eye.
Related Links
So, more books and prints by Hollie Fernando you can find here.
Also, please click here to browse our Bi-monthly collection, which Hollie is part of.
Last but not least, more of Hollie's work you can find on her website here.