On Keeping a Notebook (The Gould Collection Volume Four)
First edition (2019)
First impression
Medium format paperback in fine condition
No markings
On Keeping a Notebook, volume four of The Gould Collection pairs forty-four photographs and five drawings by British artist Jamie Hawkesworth with American writer Joan Didion’s essay On Keeping a Notebook taken from her collection of essays, Slouching Towards Bethlehem (1968). Through words for Didion and images for Hawkesworth, volume four focuses on the practice of collecting fragmentary thoughts and observations within an artist’s creative process. Hawkesworth’s photographs—shot from 2012 through 2019 in Japan, Mongolia, Romania, Russia, United States, United Kingdom, among other locations—are a personal record of his short pleasurable journeys. While Didion’s musings in her essay On Keeping a Notebook, written in 1966, examine the fluid line between fact and fiction through the comments and notes that fill her private journal.