Portrait of our Ancient Forefather
- 6″ x 6″ Magnum Square print
- Fuji Crystal Archival Matte paper
- Signed on verso by Pentti Sammallahti
- Mint condition
Artist's statement
"In the 1970s, I often spent the end of May on a small rocky island on the Baltic Sea, photographing nature and observing the migration of wildfowls to their Arctic nesting regions
"There were ponds on the island where toads had their coupling seasons. At nightfall, every so often the toads would raise their heads above the water, calling their darlings.
"One day, while admiring that enchanting love theater, a toad appeared in front of me. We wondered at each other a while. until by croaking he gave me a hint to photograph. quietly laid the camera close to the water and pushed the button."