At Night Gardens Grow
At Night Gardens Grow by Pia Paulina Guilmoth.
First edition (2021)
First impression
Signed by Pia Paulina Guilmoth to title page(bottom left corner)
Medium format hardback in new condition
“The week before Trula died, she began spending entire days reclined in her field. Her body would be so still we’d come up closer to be sure she hadn’t left us. A slight movement of her head chasing a loose swallow, or a finger grazing a plucked blade of grass was enough. Tuesday night she had come into the kitchen after a particularly long 12 hours in her field. Her hair disheveled like a bird nest. She looked at a rhubarb stalk on the table and said to us “all this time I’ve never seen the flowers growing, but they’re taller every morning.” - Pia Paulina Guilmoth