Gas Stations: 1982 & 1986 (One Picture Book)
Gas Stations: 1982 & 1986 by Toshio Shibata. First edition (2019). First impression small hardback (one of 500) in new condition. #457 of this Nazraeli Press One Picture Book. Contains a signed by Toshio Shibata tipped-in print. No markings. Please see pictures. PayPal accepted, any questions please get in touch.
About Gas Stations: 1982 & 1986
In the early 1980s, returning to Japan from a few years of traveling and living in Europe, Toshio Shibata began photographing night scenes of roadside Japan. Shibata has said of the experience of the road at night: “While driving on a highway at night in Europe I often experienced an imperceptible momentary sensation of transcending place, yet not knowing where I was. It seemed as if I could have been in Japan, or even in the United States. I felt that the scene was non-specific, but rather a kind of generic or archetypal common scene, universal image and part of a global world-view.” Gas stations – especially in the dead of night – look more or less the same everywhere they are to be found. Yet their generic look can also provoke feelings of melancholy, even romance.