Dismantling by Behzad Farazollahi. First edition, first impression. Hardback (one of 300) in fine condition. Some scuffing to cover. No other markings. Please see pictures. PayPal accepted, any questions please get in touch.
About Dismantling
Dismantling marks Behzad Farazollahi’s first artist monograph and is comprised of 69 images from Afghanistan, Iran, Mexico, Spain, Portugal, England, Norway, The Czech Republic, Denmark and Italy. The material spans the last twenty years of Farazollahi’s artistic oeuvre.
Drawing inspiration from the rhythms of Haiku, Farazollahi cinematically sequences images onto paper with the primary objective of emphasising the element of delicate movement in the photographic capture. The result is a unique trajectory in the understanding of the still image, through the use of triptychs and repetition.