Frozen History
First Edition of Frozen History by Josef Hoflehner. First Impression. Medium format. Hardback. Fine condition, minor wear to the book jacket.
Almost 4,000 km south of New Zealand lies Ross Island, discovered by the British expedition of James Clark Ross to the South Pole of 1839–1843. The south end of the island stands as the southernmost land accessible by ship. Along the western edge of this island, and many kilometers apart, stand three huts, from three separate expeditions. Hut Point, erected in February of 1902, Cape Royds, from Shackleton's Nimrod Expedition of 1907–1909, and Scott's Terra Nova Hut, built in 1911. These historic buildings are now maintained by the Antarctic Heritage Trust, based in New Zealand. During the first few years of the 21st century, Josef and Katharina Hoflehner visited the historic huts, where, due to the permanent sub-freezing temperatures, everything from clothing, to food-stuffs, to dead penguins have been perfectly preserved. The black-and-white images they returned with are stunning in their spareness and use of natural light. One is privileged to a rare glimpse into the great era of exploration and adventure. Winner of Germany's Deutscher Fotobuchpreis 2004.