by Cécile Hupin | Katherine Longly
Just My Luck
First edition of Just My Luck by Cécile Hupin and Katherine Longly (2023)
First impression
Small format paperback in new condition
Published by The Eriskay Connection
If money cannot buy happiness, what drives people to participate in a lottery? And what is the effect of (almost) winning on someone’s life or that of people around them? In Just My Luck, Cécile Hupin and Katherine Longly (BE) set out to compare dream to reality by giving a voice to those who won or came close to winning a jackpot, for better or for worse. Their stories paint a picture of our society, our aspirations, our beliefs, and our relationship with money.
Human beings have always dreamt of the small miracle that could change their lives, and the invention of lottery games turned pure fantasy into a realm of possibility. Intrigued by the consequences that such upheaval can have on someone’s life, Hupin and Longly spent five years interviewing those who have experienced it. Far from the glitz, all accounts seemed inextricably linked to the notions of luck and bad luck. As if to believe in one was to risk activating the other.